Monday, November 5, 2012

Our swish jack.o.lantern

Ok I'm not gonna lie to you, I was slightly afraid to carve this baby. We were using a very sharp knife
 (And i did slightly cut mark once eeek). Over all, my fear wasn't stoping me from the overjoy in the
carving of our first pumpkin. We decided to go with an ampersand because it was incompatible and
 unique (I didn't want to do the original jack.o.lantern carving). Our effort together worked well with
 the beautiful outcome.

Yumm and the Pumkin seeds taste amazing, oh I have been waiting for them all year.


  1. darling, it turned out brilliant, hope you're happy about this two and forgot that you were frighten about the knife (i would have been too...)

    1. Thanks sweetie, I was very happy with my results! Sometimes you can't let your fears get in your way in life.
