Monday, January 28, 2013

Sam's bday.

I decided to take a road trip to spend the weekend up in Fort Myers at my sisters place; we celebrated my little brother's 14th birthday (hence we didn't have candles for the cake, so we improvised with a Yankee candle). The revega's took us out to the beach board walk, and we had love boat homemade ice cream, which was so filling!!! I had a kids cone and I couldn't even finish it. This weekend was plenty of fun, we wanted my sister to be able to have a date night with her hubs, since they have been so busy ever since benji has joined their lives; so we decided to take over and play "family" while they went out on their date. Oh they were so happy to be able to relax and enjoy the night together, the smiles on their faces were priceless as they left with benji in my arms. Of course V went on and on about all the safety precautions, food he was aloud to eat, and a step by step "getting ready for sleepy time." It's so cute to see how a parent loved their child; it makes my heart flutter. Hopefully I qualified as their "safe, trusted babysitter, " because I want to watch B again and soon!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Alright so my nephew is turning one on February 8th and to prep for his little party, i decided to get a little creative and start on project for his birthday party. For this for this task, I used him foam colored sheets from the dollar store and Christmas lights (just the plain white lights). I actually grabbed these items from my sister and randomly came up with this idea on my own. It's quite easy too. You just simply cut the sheets into long triangle shapes and staple them together so they kinda look like a pinwheel. Then just pop one of the lights through your color wheel and repeat.

I hope Benji really likes them, he loves looking at all sorts of lights these days and points at the moon all the time. I can't wait until his first birthday.

Monday, January 21, 2013

1st year hurray!

It's officially a year since I have started my blog; it's such a great feeling knowing that I have come this far. Delight comes to those who chose it. There is so much love for living and Here is to happiness...

Dear sister in Australia
I miss you more than words can discribe.

Dear chilly nights
I love you

Dear mom and dad
Thank you for your patients and love for me, you really have influenced me to never give up.

Dear church
Thank you for being there for me all the time, teaching me, loving me, and always making me smile

Dear God
for hearing my prayers; being very patient and loving.

Dear mark
Thanks for being there for me everyday, for truly caring, for understanding me, sweeping me off my feet all the time, and for loving me.

Dear Aussie
I will officially see you soon

Dear weekends
I love you very much, but you make it harder for me to remember me lessons from math class

Dear bank account
You better put on your big girl jeans because I'm planning on making you grow

Flashback: This is one of the first pictures I have taken with mark!

New Years Eve.

This is an extremely procrastinated late post from that New Year's Eve. Last Last-minute we decided to make reservations at the melting pot (always worth it). Let me just tell you I always have such a wonderful experience there with great servers and service. Besides the delicious food that we had we decided to walk downtown to Main Street to watch the pineapple drop (the Floridian style). It was amazing to see over 20,000 people gathered around the streets and literally felt like Time Square. There was live music on every street corner and concession stands with fresh food. For a brief moment It felt as if I was in NYC, with all the crowds, the pushing and shoving, drunk people. I know how it doesn't sound and peachy keen, but it was actually one of most grace experiences of my life. I was with the people I loved most and I couldn't ask for more.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


im taking a creative writting course this semester and i am doing some studying on poetry as well. i am really enjoying this class even though it is roughly the begining of my second week, i think it just might be my favorite. well i simply wanted to share one of my personal poems today.


Shivering from the brisk black night

She stared in the distance with eyes filled with fright

Could it be, was it really true?

All that was left was and old torn shoe

Pain began to trickle down her spine

Like broken glass he was no longer mine.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Say a little prayer.

I visited a friend today whose whole world has been turned upside down because of drastic accident that has recently forever changed their life. It is one the hardest things to see... someone you really truly care about suffer through so much pain and yet be joyful for the life he still has. This man has so much wisdom and experience to share; it just open up my eyes to a whole new level of understanding. It's important to know what we do with our lives, and how we live them day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute. God has a purposes for all of us, and sometimes it takes some of us time to realize that. This friend of mine was very close to death and with his experience he was able to bring joy so many other patients and just pray for them for spiritual and physical healing.
His amazing testimony has made me understand that we will never know what will happen tomorrow but we should always know that God is with us at all times. In these bodies we will live and in these bodies we will die, but the most important thing is where you invest your life is where you invest your afterlife. I am thankful that I still have this friend here with me today; it is truly a miracle what God has done. His story is something that was really on my heart to share and I hope that it inspires you too.

Please keep him and his wonderful family in your prayers.

The perfect day.

Alright so I have made it though this week. It's been a hectic one for me, and everyone (well almost everyone) at home is sick with a bug. More like everyone around me is sick, thank goodness I am as healthy as a horse. Mark has been really sick as well, and completely lost his voice. Oh but it's not a really considered a bad thing; he sings really good with his "sexy sick voice." It's really like phoebe from friends (I'm thankful that show never gets old). I decided to surprise my love with and early dinner picnic out at the park so we could enjoy the sunshine (and no humidity, praise God... And please let it stay that way). It was so peaceful and since we are both doing the Daniels fast I made sure everything was still appetizing (and vitamin enriched for poor sick Marks sake). I was glad I was able to pull this all of without him having one clue... He's is a nosey little one. But it simply felt good to simply sit down and talk one on one after a week like ours. Maybe it was just something i had been needing in that moment, but I'm really glad we did it. I just adore the most simplest moments that we spend together; they are what I look forward to, what get me though the week, and what make me fall in love with him all over again.

3 years together, and they have been the best years of my life.

Thankful for: having an hour today for some peace and sun; I was able to lay out on the beach today and it was so beautiful. Yes, the beach in January. Don't be surprised its why they call it the sunshine state.

Can you spot someone in the tree??

And we have matching boater shoes of course (sperrys to be specific). You are not a true Floridian unless you own a pair of your own.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

day 1.

I catch myself randomly having to go back to my blog to find some of my Delicious recipes, like for instance my Cranberry Walnut Cookies you can find, here. i couldnt help myself they are so yummy and healthy too!
well today is the first day of my fifth semester in college, and all i can say is that this time i wont be slacking anymore like i did last semester. sadly to say my GPA sure did drop quite a few more points than i expected. but its time to get back on track. a new year, and new goals.

Oh I highly recommend this book to everyone, it brought tears to my eyes. I love beautiful novels that completely inspire you in various ways. This is one of those books.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Making sushi.

It was our first time and it was quite a success; Sushi is frankly my all time favorite food to eat. As I was growing up, I very much disliked any type of seafood. I remember my papa used to catch crab back when we used to live up North, and he would scare me and say, "if you don't watch the pot close enough than the crab will come out and grab you." Trust me when I say this, i was beyond terrified. For a while i refused seafood in general, but it didn't take long and soon enough I fell in love, and yet my love still grows everyday. I have sushi almost once a week, and today we decided to try to make some ourselves (my bothers, mark, and I). It turned out tasty and through practice we learned how to perfect our rolling skills. We made over 80 pieces of sushi, and silly enough to say it was gone within thirty minutes. Most of all I realized something today, when you have multiple people in the kitchen working together, everyone adds their own creativity and taste in their special way, which adds a twist of flavor. I'm one to make everything from scratch, so seeing these boys in the kitchen throwing things together, and adding extra ingredients made things quite entertaining and impressive.

Lesson for today: never doubt a man in the kitchen.

Late post.

To start off the new year we decided to go canoeing together (our first time). I have canoed before with a large group of people and we would always race and run away from the overly excited guys who always had it in their mind to flip us over, might I add that there are gators in the creek. So as we set ourselves in the water, I was ready to paddle, like in full speed; I guess my body just recognized what I did before and automatically had a switch go off. Oh boy, i won't forget the look on Marks face; He thought we may have been in a war zone. Of course he didn't understand why I was paddling to the extreme and I was unsure why he wasn't joining me. But before long, he told me to slow down and we talked it over, seems to me I just didn't know how to relax and actually enjoy the canoe (oops). Besides the silliness, we had such a pleasant time. The water was so still, and we had some rays of sunshine playing peekaboo through the trees. In Florida, winter typically exists for roughly two weeks and then all year round we have got the beautiful warm (sometimes extreme) sun. Today was the perfect day to spend on the smooth and sparkling creek; we grabbed some lunch and took it with us on our little adventure. I love spending my time outdoors especially exploring the nature, this is defiantly going to be something we squeeze in our regular schedules.

Plus who doesn't love ice cream for dessert?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


2 years together, feels like it was just yesterday,
i love him. 
Credits to: Dan D'line