Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We got our tree.

Besides studying for finals, we decided to take a little break and finally get a Christmas tree (late, I know. But school comes first). Two words: Douglas fur. Yes and of course we found the most beautiful one, couldn't take my eyes off of her. Alright I know there are many people who give into the whole "artificial tree," and I respect your choice but I could never make that one; it's just everything about them sparkles. The divine matter of choosing the perfect tree, to the wonderful pine aroma (and candles can't really replace it). Maybe it's the fact that I grew up in Washington and I was always around them, but I promise you that a fake tree just doesn't cut it for me. Since I'm officially the only girl with my brothers now, I tagged them along and made them help decorate this year! It's was quite fun I was glad they participated; with the Christmas music, and running up and down from the attic, (getting all the decorations) the hard work payed off. Oh and let me tell you something, these gents don't know how to put lights on a Christmas tree; I had myself quite a laugh when I saw them wrapping the tree like they were wrapping someone up in a cocoon (by the way if you have never done that, your really missing out). My family is simply unceasingly merry (sooooo grateful) there's never a time that I don't have a ball with them. I just wish my sisters were with me to enjoy this as well.

Even though I lost $20, I had the most marvelous day; It simply really is the most wonderful time of the year.

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